Company News Releases...

December 5, 2003


Pacific Booker Minerals Inc. have retained Beacon Hill Consultants to prepare a scope of work and cost estimate to complete a full feasibility study on the Morrison/Hearne Hill porphyry copper/gold project, 65km northeast of Smithers, BC. Beacon Hill expects to deliver this overall plan by January 15, 2004. They estimate that the feasibility study will take 15-18 months to complete.

As reported in the news release dated May 5, 2003, preliminary stages of environmental and geotechnical programmes have been in progress during the past six months as data for these activities are collected over extended periods, or are co-ordinated with on-going drilling programmes. More specifically, the environmental studies are co-ordinated by Rick Killam, Pacific Booker’s Manager of Environmental Programmes. The following projects are continuing:

  • In collaboration with Jessica Chaplin of McElhanney Consulting Services Ltd. of Smithers, PBM field staff have installed strategic surface water monitoring stations to measure seasonal water flow and collect water quality samples. These samples are being analyzed by ALS Chemex.
  • Installation of subsurface water monitoring instruments for hydrogeological studies is being supervised by Rod Smith of Water Management Consultants.
  • Research on fish and aquatic life habitat is being supervised by Dave Bustard of David Bustard & Associates Ltd. of Smithers, BC. The studies are focused in areas that will be impacted by mine development at Morrison and Hearne Hill.
  • Acid generation studies are being supervised by Kevin Morin of Minesite Drainage Assessment Group.
Geotechnical studies are being co-ordinated by Sean Daly P.Geo. Pacific Booker’s Manager of Geotechnical Programmes. The studies to date have been focused on investigating rock strength and hardness for work index measurements and distribution of fracture density and orientation for pit wall design parameters.

Knight Piesold Ltd. have identified several options for tailing and waste rock impoundment locations on the Morrison and Hearne Hill mineral claims. Their study has confirmed that there is insufficient storage area on the comparatively small Morrison claim block to accommodate the tailings and waste rock volumes. Proposed alternative sites for tailing and waste rock disposal are located on the larger Hearne Hill claims. Based on these preliminary requirements for a general layout plan, PBM has decided that the property will in future be named the Morrison/Hearne Hill.

Pacific Booker has for the past five years focused their exploration and evaluation programmes on the Morrison Project. Within the scope of these evaluations, there are strategic and synergistic priorities to include the Hearne Hill deposit resources in the overall scheme of developing the Morrison/Hearne Hill Property. The Hearne Hill Property was extensively explored during the period from 1993 to 1997, and the programmes successfully defined two high grade copper-gold breccia pipes within a larger porphyry system. The two near-vertical oval-shaped pipes referred to as the Chapman and Peter Bland Zones, are roughly 60 and 120m in size, respectively, and are spatially about 200m apart. The well-mineralized breccia pipes have an associated 10m- to 25m-wide peripheral aureole of mineralization that favourably expands the size of the mineralized zone. Preliminary block model and geostatistical resource estimate for the two pipes were completed in 1997, prior to establishment of NI 43-101. The resource at a 0.40% Cu cut-off grade was estimated as 2,816,000 tonnes grading 0.73% Cu and 0.22 g/t Au for indicated resource, and 248,000 tonnes grading 0.58% Cu and 0.24 g/t Au for inferred resource. More recently, the parameters for geological block modeling of the two breccia pipes are being re-evaluated from the perspective of potentially mining the two zones by a combination of open pit and underground mining. The feasibility of developing the higher grade breccia zones in the early stages of the Morrison/Hearne Hill operation could provide higher mill head grades to maximize the rate of capital cost payback.

The larger Peter Bland breccia pipe extends to a depth of over 300m. This was confirmed by the 304m long vertical diamond drill hole 95-16 that returned:

Average for complete hole (304.19m): 0.75% copper, 3.15g/t silver and 0.32g/t gold;

Includes surface to 60.96m (60.96m) 1.35% copper, 0.54g/t gold,

Includes 101.50m – 131.98m (30.48m) 1.93% copper, 0.82g/t gold

The final 3.05m interval for the hole ending at 304.19m, returned 0.73 copper, 2.50g/t silver and 0.23g/t gold.

The comparatively long intervals of persistent and well-mineralized zones down-the-hole provide the incentive to re-evaluate the Hearne Hill breccia zones with the objective of determining if these zones can be developed as an early-stage satellitic source of ore to the larger Morrison open pit operation.

The Morrison/Hearne Hill Project is, at this stage, conceptually visualized for development as a 20,000 tonne per day open pit operation. It is anticipated that the currently known resources at the Morrison and Hearne Hill properties would support a ten-year mine life. The prospective mine could possibly be designed to closely resemble the past-producing Granisle and Bell Copper open pit mines in the Babine Porphyry Copper Belt. These open pit mines operated with conventional floation milling process to produce copper concentrate for shipment to smelters.

Preliminary results of an earlier scoping study on the Morrison Project indicated the possible opportunity to optimize the resource by developing an initial starter pit. This resource for the optimized pit is higher grade than the overall Morrison resource, and the pit is favourably positioned where surficial overburden is comparatively thin and open pit strip ratio is low. The following tables present the resource estimates for the optimized and ultimate pit designs.

  Optimized Starter Pit
  Polygonal Resource Estimate
(E. Kimura P. Geo. - PBM
Geostatistical Resource Estimate

0.3% Cu Cutoff

0.3% Cu Cutoff

  Tonnes %Cu G/t Au Tonnes %Cu G/t Au
Measured 8,100,000 0.53 0.27      
Indicated 4,300,000 0.54 0.24      
Meas+Ind 12,400,000 0.53 0.26 18,337,000 0.48 0.24
Inferred 2,800,000 0.65 0.22 1,397,000 0.46 0.19
Strip Ratio 0.75:1 0.32:1

  Optimized Starter Pit
  Polygonal Resource Estimate
(E. Kimura P. Geo. - PBM
Geostatistical Resource Estimate

0.3% Cu Cutoff

0.3% Cu Cutoff

  Tonnes %Cu G/t Au Tonnes %Cu G/t Au
Measured 43,700,000 0.46 0.22      
Indicated 18,400,000 0.46 0.22      
Meas+Ind 62,100,000 0.46 0.22 74,132,000 0.42 0.20
Inferred 28,900,000 0.52 0.21 5,170,000 0.44 0.20
Strip Ratio 1.15:1 0.54:1

The recent improvement in copper price and the significant escalation in the gold price have provided the incentives and opportunity to evaluate the feasibility for developing the Morrison/Hearne Hill Project. There are several logistical and infrastructural up-sides that could favourably impact the feasibility study.
  • Both the Morrison and Hearne Hill deposits have been essentially delineated and the Morrison resource evaluation has been completed substantially in compliance with NI 43-101.
  • Higher grade starter pit with favourable strip ratio and the probable opportunity to mine higher grade ore from the Hearne Hill breccia pipe zones would enhance the mill heads in the early stages of mine operation.
  • Infrastructural development in the Babine Lake area includes established centres and communities such as the Village of Granisle, highway and well-maintained access road to the property, and power source within 22 km of the property.
  • A local work force, many with practical experience on mining-related occupations can be recruited. The work force will include First Nations persons who reside in the nearby Babine Lake communities.
Pacific Booker has been investigating other copper occurrences on the large property holdings with the objective of determining if new resources can be defined to sustain the life of the potential mine operation. The Bab and Jake zones, 8 km south-southeast and 9 km southeast of the Morrison deposit, respectively, are two porphyry style targets that PBM plans to drill in 2004.

Chris J. Sampson, P.Eng.

Pacific Booker Minerals Inc.

“No regulatory authority has approved or disapproved the information contained in this news release. This release includes certain statement that may be deemed “forward-looking statements”. All statements in this release, other than statement of historical facts, that address future production, reserve potential, exploration drilling, exploitation activities and events or developments that the Company expects are forward-looking statements. Although the Company believes the expectations expressed in such forward-looking statements are based on reasonable assumptions, statements are not guarantees of future performance and actual results or developments may differ materially from the forward-looking statements. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those in forward-looking statements include market prices, exploitation and exploration successes, continued availability of capital and financing, general economic, market or business conditions. Investors are cautious that any such statements are not guarantees of future performance and that actual results or developments may differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements.”

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